
Post-flight Fatigue? Here’s How You Can Beat The Jetlag and Tiredness!

Flying can take its toll on even the most seasoned traveller.

Long flights can drain your energy, affect your sleep patterns, and make you feel sluggish.

A few simple hacks can make air travel less stressful on your system, curb that jet lag and keep your energy levels up.

1.Be Prepared

Plan A Peaceful Journey!

In case of a delay or transit , a little  research about the amenities at the airport can really help. Services such as Shower Facilities, Sleeping Lounges and Free Wifi are available to any passenger. Use them!

2.Go Offline

Flight Mode On!

Bring your notes from work,  brainstorm creative ideas over paper journals or just get a crossword puzzle along. Use your travel time for doing productive activities which do not invovlve a device. This will help keep your mind working and you will feel active throughout your journey.

3.Eat Healthy

Swap Bland Airplane Food with Healthy Munchies!

Protein-rich snacks will keep you full for longer so make sure you pack them. The disadvantage with In-flight snacks and meals is that they are usually high in calories, contain bad carbs & excess salt and lack real nutrients. Bring fruits, salads, mixed nuts etc with you on your flight. Keep yourself light and energized.

4.Get Social (In Person)

Hear us Out!

Making small talk can be an exhausting task, but chatting with a fellow traveler keeps you alert when you are flying. It keeps your mind active, engages you, and who knows, might actually be a fun way to pass the time and make friends.

5Grab Your Napping Gear

Sleeping on the plane can be uncomfortable but bringing along a good eye mask and noise cancelling headphones can help you sleep in peace. It’s a good way to catch up on sleep especially on for early morning or late night flights.

6.Get Moving

Not moving enough on the airplane is the biggest reason why you feel inactive after a flight.

Why not use the aisle instead?

Stretching and small muscle-friendly exercises will help you keep your energy up and your body active. Speaking of which, mind your posture as well! A simple shoulders-back-and-spine-straight stance will go a long way.

7.Stay Hydrated

Did you know ? Our body sheds up to 1.5 litres of water during a three hour flight!

Remember to regularly drink water during a flight. It will keep the oxygen levels in your body up and will help boost your energy. You will feel energetic and lively .

8.Get Some Exercise

Once you reach your destination and have settled in , go for a run!

It sounds like a tough thing to do, but a good run after your flight can set your biological clock right back on track. You won’t feel a type of physical or mental sluggishness. These days business travellers all around the world do HIIT(high-intensity interval training) exercises to keep themselves fit and energized after a flight.

9.Unwind and Relax

Deep breathing exercises, yoga and meditation are also healthy activities to re-energize yourself after a long flight. They reduce your anxiety and act as de-stressors. These exercises will reduce any kind of exhaustion you have after a flight.

So,the next time your flight gets delayed and need a place to relax, don’t worry! Download the Airwhizz app and get all the information about sleep pods, airport lounges ,bars, restaurants and other things to do at the airport .

Re-energize, Relax and #FLYSTRESSFREE!

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